While practising Tai Chi, you may perspire. Yet, your breathing will be deep and slow, and your pulse rate will remain normal. At the end of it, you will feel more energetic. The continuous flowing movements of Tai Chi is based on the principle that running water never stagnates. These relax your muscles and joints while strengthening your body from the inside. Through movements and meditation, the habitual, daily practice of Tai Chi delivers robust physical health and peace of mind to you.
Tai Chi does wonders for people who are stressed. It uses calming, structured movements to counteract the stress of everyday life with its frantic pace, multiple deadlines and grinding schedules. Daily practice of Tai Chi has achieved great results with some medical conditions including high blood pressure, heart diseases, spleen dysfunction, arthritis, backaches, posture problems, insomnia and breathing difficulties such as asthma. Tai Chi is a good way of assisting recovery and is used as a therapy by itself.
Benefits Of Taichi At A Glance